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ROTC at MIT—Taking the Oath of Office

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EMCEE: General Petraeus will now administer the oath of office to the new commission. Class of 2009, atten-hut.

PETRAEUS: Raise your right hand and repeat after me. I, state your full name.


PETRAEUS: Having been appointed--

OFFICERS: Having been appointed--

PETRAEUS: An officer in the United States military--

OFFICERS: An officer in the United States military--

PETRAEUS: Do solemnly swear--

OFFICERS: Do solemnly swear--

PETRAEUS: That I will support and defend--

OFFICERS: That I will support and defend--

PETRAEUS: The Constitution of the United States--

OFFICERS: The Constitution of the United States--

PETRAEUS: Against all enemies--

OFFICERS: Against all enemies--

PETRAEUS: Foreign and domestic--

OFFICERS: Foreign and domestic--

PETRAEUS: That I will bear true faith--

OFFICERS: That I will bear true faith--

PETRAEUS: And allegiance to the same--

OFFICERS: And allegiance to the same--

PETRAEUS: That I take this obligation freely--

OFFICERS: That I take this obligation freely--

PETRAEUS: Without any mental reservation--

OFFICERS: Without any mental reservation--

PETRAEUS: Or purpose of evasion--

OFFICERS: Or purpose of evasion--

PETRAEUS: And that I will well and faithfully--

OFFICERS: And that I will well and faithfully--

PETRAEUS: Discharge the duties--

OFFICERS: Discharge the duties--

PETRAEUS: Of the office upon which I am about to enter.

OFFICERS: Of the office upon which I am about to enter.

PETRAEUS: So help me God.

OFFICERS: So help me God.