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Noam Chomsky—James R. Killian Jr. Faculty Achievement Award

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PRESENTER: With the help of the MIT library staff, I was able to determine how often he is cited in the Arts and Humanities Citation Index. As of the last time the statistics were compiled, we discovered that he is in the top 10. It happens that none of the others are still living.


He is the most cited living author. I thought you might like to know the names of the company he keeps. They are, in order, Marx, Lenin--



Shakespeare, Aristotle, the Bible, Plato, Freud, Chomsky, followed by Hegel and Cicero.



I would like to read from the award. It says "the President and faculty of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have the honor to present the James R. Killian, Junior Faculty Achievement Award to Noam Chomsky, and to announce his appointment as Killian Award Lecturer for the academic year 91-92.

In recognition of his extraordinary contributions to linguistics, philosophy, and in cognitive psychology, one of the foremost thinkers of this century, he revolutionized the study of language and of the human mind.