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Course 2.70 Introduction to Design Competition—Woodie Flowers (1981)

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PRESENTER 1: In 3, 2, 1. And I'll press the start button. Now, at that point, the devices will grab the peg. Devices, you want to compete?


And [INAUDIBLE]. And everyone yells. The devices will try to put the peg in the hole. And the judges will decide which peg is nearest the hole. They have very clever [INAUDIBLE] devices.


And a winner will be decided at the end. The main thing we would like to request tonight is that people, please, bear in mind that this is a very important meeting for the students. They can't compete unless they can get down here. Please, stay clear of this area. If you're a photographer, stay out of the way, behind, as possible.


There will be a live audience. And we'll try to enjoy this. Students, try to relax. And may the best robot win.


AUDIENCE: All right!

AUDIENCE: All right! Let's go!

PRESENTER 1: All right. Let's get going. Ray [INAUDIBLE].


On the next one, here, Jeff [INAUDIBLE].


The people who go next, on the right-hand track, go ahead and get on that side. You don't have to check in over here.


Okay. For our first competition, we-- we'll have the red, yellow track. We have three, two, one, start.


PRESENTER 1: Ray [INAUDIBLE]. Three, two, one, start.





PRESENTER 1: Three, two, one, start.



Okay. We're ready on yellow, red. Three, two, one, start.



Three, two, one, start.




Okay. We're ready on green, blue. Three, two, one, start.






On the left-hand track, we're going into round three. Round three with [INAUDIBLE].


We're live in three--


Three, two, one-- Three, two, one, start.




PRESENTER 1: Three, two, one, start.



PRESENTER 1: Three, two, one, go.


PRESENTER 2: It's three presses [INAUDIBLE].

PRESENTER 1: Okay. Yellow, red. Three, two, one, go.




PRESENTER 1: On blue, green. Here comes [INAUDIBLE].


Okay. Do you have power? Three, two, one, [INAUDIBLE].



PRESENTER 3: On the left track, we're now continuing round five. We're back to round five.



PRESENTER 3: Three, two, one, go.


And the [INAUDIBLE]!



PRESENTER 3: This is the semi final. The winner of this goes on against [INAUDIBLE] for the final.


PARTICIPANT 1: How does it look, judge?

JUDGE: Yep. Yep. Fine.

PARTICIPANT 1: Looks good?



JUDGE: Good.

PARTICIPANT 1: Where are the time--


PRESENTER 3: All right. Giving power to yellow, red. Three, two, one. Go.


PARTICIPANT 1: No, no. Check my power. All right. Don't touch anything.

JUDGE: Power check!

PARTICIPANT 1: My motor was going!



PRESENTER 3: Okay? We're going to power yellow, red. Three, two, one, go.


PRESENTER 2: Yeah! There was a trophy!

AUDIENCE: Woody! Ha! You won the first two shots!


PRESENTER 2: The winner and champion!

PARTICIPANT 3: Congratulations, James. [INAUDIBLE]. Way to go.

PRESENTER 2: Now let's have a hand for Woody, who was the organizer of this whole thing!



PARTICIPANT 4: There it is.

REPORTER: Yeah. Great.

PARTICIPANT 4: I'm sort of surprised it went down.

REPORTER: It looks so simple. It's incredible.

PARTICIPANT 4: That was the idea, to make it reliable--

PRESENTER 2: That's all, folks!

PARTICIPANT 4: The idea was to make it reliable enough to live through the contest. So I had to keep it very simple.


I figured it would work. I hadn't figured it would work quite as well as it did.